Kelsey Kaiser

COVID-19 Classroom Analysis

The last few months of the 2019-2020 school year was fraught with reactionary decisions due to the COVOD-19 pandemic, forcing many state officials to make choices quickly and decisively without having the proper time to plan and develop appropriate systems...
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The path of a labyrinth is rhythmic. It is not about a goal but the journey, taking one to the center and then back out to the start. Through this procession and the rhythm of twists and turns, that some see as a metaphor for life’s journey, the walker can reach a level of clarity allowing...
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Destruction Series

Drawing inspiration from the song It’s Time by Imagine Dragons an illustration concept was devised and refined for a poster. The concept derived from lyrics mentioning a city that “never sleeps at night” and a man who will never change. The illustration was then altered to fit on a compact disc and the accomanying...
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